
My #1 Long Term Facebook Ads Strategy

There seems to be a flood of advice from various Facebook “experts” about how to get results with Facebook ads over the short term.

But actually, if you approach things differently and focus on the long run, particularly for certain types of businesses, you can see far better results. That’s what I’m going to discuss today.

Facebook advertising over the long term doesn’t seem to be what most people think about.

A lot of folks who advertise on Facebook want to throw up an ad and generate leads and sales today.

They don’t often think, “how can I do things now that are really going to help me in 12 months or even 6 months.”

Long term Facebook ad strategy

Of course, in regular life 6 or 12 months isn’t the sort of timeframe that you might think about as long term, but with Facebook advertising it almost certainly is.

If you are thinking about your business 12, 24, or even 36 months out, there are things you can do differently with your advertising that can make an enormous difference.

These can be completely business and life-changing for you later down the line.

Who This Long Term Strategy Works For

This works the best for businesses that are expertise based. That would include most service based businesses whether B2B or B2C.

Omipresent Facebook ad strategy works best for expertise based businesses

That’s because people want to hire and work with experts.

So this works best with businesses such as:

  • consultants
  • training
  • online courses and information products
  • bespoke products
  • contractors
  • expertise based service providers

It doesn’t work so well for ecommerce. Of course, there are long term strategies for ecommerce companies, but they look different to this one.

Our business – a Facebook ads agency, certainly falls into the expertise-based service provider category. So, I use this strategy often.

The Omnipresence Content Campaign

This is something I’ve talked about in the past, but I’m going to break it down into a little more detail here.

There are two major components to an omnipresent Facebook ad campaign.

  1. Your ads should be constantly coming up in front of the right prospects
  2. Your ads should deliver value to your prospects

When advertising an expertise based business you generally don’t want to put an ad in front of a prospect, and then not have that person see another one for six months.

The more you charge, the more important this is.

People have to trust you if they are going to hire you as an expert and especially if they are going to spend a good deal of money on your services.

So, they need to see you on a regular basis to help develop that trust.

For example, I want people that follow my Facebook advertising content to think my agency is the only logical choice when they are ready to hire an agency.

This happens because they know from my ads and the content I put out that I have the expertise they need and my company is in the best position possible to get great results.

That’s what an omnipresence content campaign does.

Setting Up an Omnipresent Facebook Campaign

I’m in our example ad account right here and I’ve created an example ad campaign.

This is an omnipresent ad campaign and when creating one of these, you want to use the reach objective.

Tip: This is one of the only times I used the reach objective. Most of the time I use conversion campaigns, but the reach objective works better here.

We’ll click into the campaign and go to the ad set level.

Who to Target

You want to use an omnipresence campaign to target a very specific group of people. Who that group is does depend on your business, how long you’ve been in business and what you’ve done so far.

For example, when I run an omnipresence content campaign for my own business, I typically use my email list.

I’ve got over 35,000 people on my email list. That’s a healthy warm audience and that’s who I want to target.

Those are people who have opted in for something like a webinar or a lead magnet of mine.

I know they are interested in Facebook advertising and they’re interested in what I have to say.

Those are the people I want to put my content in front of again and again and again.

So warm audiences make fantastic targeting options for omnipresence content campaigns.

Now, your warm audiences might be different. You might not have a big email list, but perhaps you could do an ominpresence campaign to your website visitors or people who have watched your videos on Facebook.

If you are a local business you may advertise to your entire local area.

Let’s, for example, say that you are a financial advisor in a small town. You can run an omnipresence content campaign to everyone in the town. That’s a perfectly reasonable approach.

Because people on email lists work so well for these campaigns, they work really well in conjunction with a lead magnet campaign.

Email lists make great audiences

If I’m running ads for our Facebook advertising services, I might run a lead magnet campaign to get people to opt in for our 5-Part Facebook Ad Template.

They get a great piece of actionable content and then once they’re on our email list they’re automatically added into our omnipresence campaign.

We’re usually going to target them for years.

Obviously, we want to convert them as soon as possible, but that’s not always possible.

We know they are interested in Facebook advertising and they might become a client next month or they might become a client in six months time. They might even become a client three years down the road.

The reality is that you just don’t know when they are going to be ready.

And that’s the thing with expertise-based businesses. You don’t know when your prospects are going to be ready.

Hiring your company is likely a very considered decision.

How to Set Up the Campaign

Omnipresence content campaigns have a very different structure to the conversion campaigns I normally run.

Here, I usually run 8 -14 different ad sets simultaneously. Each ad set targets the exact same audience – my email list in my case.

Each ad set has just one ad that is unique to that ad set.

It’s takes a bit of time to set up, but its really worth it.

Setting up the Facebook omnipresence campaign

I structure the campaign this way to make sure that each ad gets delivered to my target audience.

I use 8-14 different ads because there are a number of boxes that you have want to tick with these ads.

Demonstrate Expertise

You’ll need to demonstrate your expertise and how you deliver value. Video is nearly always the best way to do this. But you can also do this with blog posts or Facebook posts that include a lot of text.

In this adstack I would usually have around 3 content ads that deliver value and give my prospects actionable information that they can use and will help them.

Then they think “oh, I saw this video from this person and they advised I do this and I did and it worked out really well.” That positions you as their trusted expert and their go-to.

In our agency, this happens ALL THE TIME. People will say things like “I started doing some lookalike audiences like you said and that worked really well, so now I want to work with you guys and take my ads to the next level.”

Show People You Can Get Them Results

The next type of ads you want to include in your adstack are ads that show people you can deliver fantastic results for them.

The reality is that YOU might be good at doing something and still not be able to get great results for someone else. So you need to demonstrate that you can get great results for people just like your prospects.

Show people you can get them results

If you can get client testimonials in a video format, that’s a fantastic option to use here.

If you are a portfolio based company, then showcasing your work in image, video or slideshow format can work very well.

You really need to show your prospects that you have done great work and delivered for people just like them.

Pro Tip: It’s best to run a number of these simultaneously, especially if you have client testimonials that are quite representative of your target audience. People just resonate with someone else in their situation.

Show Them How the Process Works

Next, you’re going to show folks how the process works.

So, in my case I could have a video that steps people through how we work with clients, and how we take them through our onboarding process.

If you offer bespoke products then you can show the process of how you design and build those products for people. That works for kitchen to suits to anything in between.

When people are spending a good amount of money they like to know how the process is going to work if they decide to purchase your service.

Ask Them to Buy

Finally, you need to ask your prospects to take the next step.

Face to camera video ads work very well here. They are simple to create and personable.

Don’t be shy about asking people to buy, or book a free call or whatever the next step is for you.

If you’ve set up your omnipresence campaign well, you may need to be careful how long you leave these ads live for. We’ve been overwhelmed with lead volume more than once with this approach!

How Many of Each Type of Ad?

So those are the four different types of ads that go into the adstack. How many of each you create depends on how many ads you are going to use, but here’s how I break it down.

If you are going to do 8 ads altogether, then you want to do something like this.

  • 3 content ads
  • 3 testimonial ads
  • 1 explain the process ad
  • 1 call to action ad

You can obviously ad more, but that’s about the right ratio.

Getting the Ad Settings Right

Now, I’m goin go through a few settings that you need to get right for your omnipresence content campaign to work.

You’ll need to be at the ad set level for this.

You want to come down to the optimization and delivery section and you want to click on Select more options.

Doing so gives you the option to change your Frequency Cap.

Default Facebook ad frequency cap

Frequency Caps are VERY important with this Facebook ads strategy.

The frequency cap controls how many times someone is going to see an ad within a certain time frame. The default is one impression every 7 days.

That means that Facebook is going to limit each person to seeing an ad from that ad set every 7 days.

What I’ve found that works best is to show 2 ads to each person every single day.

So if I have 8 ad sets, I’ll set the frequency cap for each at 1 impression every 4 days.

Setting the Facebook ad frequency cap

Now, if you have more ads you want to increase the number of days.

  • 8 ads – 1 every 4 days
  • 10 ads – 1 every 5 days
  • 12 ads – 1 every 6 days
  • 14 ads – 1 every 7 days

You see the pattern? You want to keep your ad frequency so people see about 2 ads per day.

You’re looking for a constant drip feed, constant contact – because someone might need 50 impressions before they become your customer. You just never know.

You also want to be on the top of someone’s mind when they NEED you whether that’s in 2 weeks, 6 months or 18 months.

How Often Do You Need to Refresh Ads?

Some of this depends on the size of the audience you are showing ads to and how many ads you are using.

But generally speaking every 3 to 6 months is a good rule of thumb for refreshing your ads in a omnipresence content campaign.

Since you have lots of different ads running at once, that’s going to delay Facebook ad fatigue setting in.

More FREE Facebook Training

There is nothing I like better than to see business owners increase their ROI with Facebook Ads. In order to help business owners succeed with Facebook ads I’ve created a FREE webinar training that you can register for here.

Free Facebook ads training

When you attend this webinar you’ll learn:

  • 3 different Facebook ad strategies that we use every day. These strategies have generated millions of dollars in revenue and are tried and proven to work.
  • How to customize the Facebook ads strategy to your particular business. There is no such thing as a one size fits all approach to Facebook ads.
  • How Facebook and Instagram have changed and how to adjust your ad strategy to what works in 2021.

Video Tutorial on Creating Omnipresent Facebook Ads

In this video I go over my strategy for getting new clients with omnipresent Facebook ads.

The Bottom Line on Using Facebook to Grow Your Business Long Term

If you can stay in front of people with your ads, deliver value and develop trust, you can do very, very well over the long run.

This Facebook ads strategy does take time and energy to set up and it takes some time to pay off.

But if you do it right, you will give yourself a very good chance of developing a consistent, reliable and profitable customer acquisition system.