
How to Create a Facebook Ads Frequency Cap

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to create a Facebook Ads frequency cap.

Frequency caps can be very valuable because they can stop people within your target audience from seeing your ads too oten.

For instance, you don’t necessarily want someone to see your same ad 20 times in one week because then you’re probably wasting a lot of money due to ad fatigue setting in.

Depending on your goals, you also want your ad shown frequently enough. Facebook Ads Frequency Cap can help you achieve this.

I’ll go over each scenario in a bit.

Setting Up a Frequency Cap

Use a reach campaign for a frequency cap

I’m going to show you how to set this up in an example campaign. You start by clicking the green create button and creating your new campaign.

Frequency caps aren’t available in every type of campaign, so I’m going to set up an auction campaign and then set it to a reach campaign.

Pro Tip: I talk a lot in my trainings about conversion ads which are awesome for making sales and getting leads, but there are times you want to use a reach campaign. We use reach campaign objectives to achieve omipresence and it can work really, really well.

I’ve put together a free webinar that goes over this. You can click here to view that training for free.

The webinar is called “3 Killer Facebook Ad Strategies to Double (or More!) Your Revenue.” Omnipresence is one of those 3 strategies.

You set the Frequency Cap at the ad set level.

Set up the frequency cap for Facebook ads at the ad set level.

We’re going to skip all the other set up and go straight to the Frequency Cap.

NOTE: If you need training on setting up your first ad campaign then check out the comprehensive guide to setting up your Facebook Ad Campaign the Right Way here.

The Frequency Cap section is in the Optimization and Delivery section of the ad set section.

The default frequency cap is 1 of 7 days.

Frequency caps are very straightforward, but there is some theory that you need to understand to execute them correctly.

When you are doing a reach campaign the default setting is 1 in every 7 days. This isn’t something you can turn off, you can only change it.

What this number means is that your ad will show to someone 1 time in every 7 days.

Where it gets confusing is if you do 2 times in 7 days. Then they might see it on Monday and Tuesday, twice on Wednesday, or Sunday and then the following Saturday. It doesn’t always space them out.

For many campaigns once every 7 days makes sense.

Remember this is a reach campaign and you aren’t directly going after sales or conversions. You might use a reach campaign with warm audiences or a local market where you want to make them aware that you exist.

And if your campaign is open ended and about establishing your brand then the default is probably good.

You may want to make your frequency cap closer together for a limited time sale.

But if you are running a flash sale for 3 days or another limited-time event, then you might want to consider a higher frequency so that people see your ad.

And if you really need to get your messaging out fast, then you could set your frequency cap for multiple times a day. You could do 3 in 1 day or even 5 in a day if you want to.

You can set your frequency cap for multiple times a day.

Tip: When using a Frequency Cap think through what you are trying to achieve with your ad and set the Frequency Cap accordingly.

Get More Facebook Ads Training (FREE)

There is nothing I like better than to see business owners increase their ROI with Facebook Ads. In order to help business owners succeed with Facebook ads I’ve created a FREE webinar training that you can register for here.

Free Facebook ads training

When you attend this webinar you’ll learn:

  • 3 different Facebook ad strategies that we use every day. These strategies have generated millions of dollars in revenue and are tried and proven to work.
  • How to customize the Facebook ads strategy to your particular business. There is no such thing as a one size fits all approach to Facebook ads.
  • How Facebook and Instagram have changed and how to adjust your ad strategy to what works in 2021.

How to Create a Facebook Ad Frequency Cap Video Tutorial

In this video I explain exactly how to create a Facebook Ad Frequency Cap and when you should use one.

The Bottom Line on Facebook Ad Frequency Caps

Frequency caps are a great tool to control how often members of your audience see your ad during a reach campaign. You can dial the frequency down or up depending on the type of ad you are running.