
Using Facebook For Brand Awareness


Hi guys, it’s Ben Heath from Lead Guru.

And in this video, I’m going to talk about Facebook as a tool for branding, for increasing your brand awareness.

So, basically, you can split digital marketing into two categories.

You could split it into direct response advertising and into brand awareness advertising.

And just to quickly explain what they are, so, direct response is you want a specific campaign, a specific sales funnel to generate a profitable ROI.

So, for every pound I put into that campaign, I get three pounds out, or seven pounds out, or whatever it is.

Direct response really wants to be profitable from that particular campaign.

Brand awareness campaigns take more of a longer-term approach, and they’re looking to increase their brand awareness so that maybe in three months, six months, a year’s time, when their target market needs…

They’ve got the problem that this company solves or they need that particular product or service, they think of them and not their competitors.

Now, most advertisers, particularly small businesses, really want to go down the direct response route.

But the branding route can often deliver a much better ROI and lead to much greater things in the long run.

Just think of all the big companies.

All the big companies that you see on television, they’re nearly all running branding campaigns.

And a lot of the time as well, that’s because they can’t run direct response campaigns.

Coca-Cola can’t run a profitable direct response campaigns.

Their products obviously aren’t anywhere near expensive enough, if they were to sell directly to consumers and someone orders a £1.50 can of Coke, there’s no way they’d ever cover that cost of advertising.

So they run branding campaigns, so that when you’re in the restaurant, when you’re in the shop, you ask for a Coke, you grab a Coke.

You don’t even think about it necessarily what you do.

So, there’s a bit of a misconception with Facebook, that you can only run branding campaigns, you can’t run direct response campaigns.

And that’s not true at all. So, I’m gonna start by putting that up there. Because I’ve addressed this, I need to put that up there.

That’s really important.

Most of the clients we work with, we’re running direct response campaigns for, and for our own business, most of the time we’re running direct response campaigns.

We want those campaigns to be profitable in and of themselves.

But, a lot of direct response campaigns will also have as a secondary objective, they’ll have a tremendous branding effect.

So that, combined with just how many people are on Facebook, how often they visit the app or the website.

I think the average now is 14 times a day.

The average user visits Facebook 14 times a day.

I think it’s the best tool ever created for branding, even better than direct response, I think, at growing your brand awareness.

I think it’s just about the best platform ever created for that. I mean, it is absolutely fantastic.

Now, there’s a lot of people that might actually be watching this video who will be like, “No, I need to run direct response campaigns.”

And that’s fine, you can, but don’t ignore brand awareness campaigns.

Don’t ignore the effect, the secondary effect that your direct response campaigns will have on brand awareness.

So, I’ll kind of give you an example.

So, let’s say with this video right now, my company, Lead Guru, we’re a digital marketing agency, so we are for Facebook advertising, campaign creation and management services, and we create courses about Facebook marketing.

So, that’s what we do, that’s what we offer.

Now, there’s some people who can watch a video of mine and they’ll be ready to work with us.

You know, they just need to watch one video, and they’re good to work with us.

But, that’s only gonna be a very small part of the market.

So, if you’re just running direct response campaigns, you’re only ever gonna get those people, ’cause there’s just gonna be the one campaign in the video.

But, there are some people that may need to watch three videos, may need to watch five, eight, 15, 56 videos over the next year.

There’s gonna be people that need different levels of exposure to be able to work with us.

And that could be for a number of reasons.

That could be because they don’t know who I am.

If it’s their first video, they might not know I know what I’m talking about, and once they’ve seen my videos, they’ll know that I know what I’m talking about, we’re running these tests for our clients, we’re delivering great results, et cetera, et cetera.

It gets them ready to buy.

And this applies to so many different companies.

It applies to so many different companies.

And there are also people who not only need the exposure in terms of …

To get to the point where they’re ready to work with you from a, “Oh, that guy now knows what he’s talking about.”

It also could just be the wrong timing.

So, there are some people that won’t say no to the direct response campaign, they’ll say not yet.

They’ll just say, you know.

And that’s really key, that they’ll say not yet.

And not yet is very, very different to no.

So let’s say, using my business as an example again, let’s say that we’re running a direct response campaign trying to generate clients.

Now, someone could watch the videos of mine, find them really, really useful, but they’re in the process of developing their first product, launching a new business.

It’s not gonna be ready for another three or four months.

Well, I’m definitely not going to get them as a client in direct response.

No matter how good my direct response campaign is, I’m not gonna get them as a client.

They’re just not ready yet.

Now, if I just run that campaign and then don’t run any more, don’t run any more brand awareness campaigns or any more direct response campaigns, I’m not gonna get them, because what’ll happen is in three or four months’ time when they’re ready, that person will have forgotten, they’ll have seen someone else, and they’ll go work with someone else.

But if I’m consistent, and consistency is the absolute key with producing content, with getting it out there on Facebook, and running brand awareness campaigns, even if you’re running … continue to run direct response campaigns as well.

Then, over time when they are ready, they won’t even think about it.

They’ll go, “Oh it’s that … I’ve seen 20 videos of that guy over the last six months.”

Or even you could be less than that.

“I’ve seen five videos of that guy over the last six months. “I need to advertise on Facebook.

“I know that’s a great platform for my business.

“I’m gonna contact them. “I’m gonna go work with them.”

So that’s actually, okay, I’m gonna write that up there, actually.

Consistency is key.

And you can’t, like I said, you can’t measure the ROI just from the direct response, because if that direct response …

Let’s say there’s, let’s say out of your target market you got 10 sales, right?

Well, let’s say there’s another five people that saw your direct response campaign, and they’re not ready to buy yet, but just two more exposures would get them ready to buy.

That’s something you’ve already built.

You’ve spent the money on this campaign, so they’ve already had that first exposure.

If you then don’t go and make sure that they have that second exposure and that third exposure, they won’t become clients.

So, there’s extra ROI that you get.

Running a direct response campaign for let’s say a couple of months, six months, 12 months, 18 months down the line, that direct response campaign will have a higher ROI than it does after the first month when you analyse the results.

And that’s something that should not be underestimated.

So, Facebook is an amazing tool for branding.

Yes, you can run direct response campaigns.

Do not forget about brand awareness.

That is where the biggest rewards are.

It can be frustrating because it’s slower.

A lot of companies can’t necessarily afford to do it on a big scale, but if you can, then definitely look to do that, because the long term results are absolutely fantastic.

Okay, so I hope you enjoyed this video.

If you did, please like it, please share it. I would really, really appreciate that.

Of course, if you’ve got any questions about anything, pop them in the comments section below.

And I respond to every comment that’s not ridiculous.

Otherwise, I’ll delete your comment. But if it’s genuinely constructive and a genuine question, then I’ll respond to it.

Thanks a lot guys. Bye-bye.