
How To Get A Quick & Easy Win With Facebook Advertising

If you’re looking for a quick and easy win with Facebook advertising, then keep watching this video.

Because I’m going to very quickly explain the most profitable type of Facebook advertising campaign you can create…

And how you can set it up in the next 20 minutes.

Getting a quick and easy win with Facebook is all about advertising to the right people.

It’s all about advertising to your hyper-responsive prospects.

And your hyper-responsive prospects aren’t just interested in what you have to offer.

But they’re also interested in buying it from your company.

The best people to advertise to, are the ones that already interested in your business.

So how do you find the people that are already interested in your company?

(And this is of course assuming that you’re not already a well known brand.)

Well, you’re definitely not going to find those people in Facebook’s standard targeting options.

In fact, you won’t find these people on Facebook at all…

You’ll find them on your website. 

Your website visitors are your hyper-responsive prospects.

Just think about it – they are highly likely to be interested in what you have to offer, otherwise they wouldn’t have visited your website in the first place.

And they are already familiar with your company because they have visited your website.

And a percentage of them are almost certainly already thinking about buying your products and services.

So if we know that your website visitors are who we want to advertise to on Facebook.

How do we do that? How do we set that up?

You need to use the Facebook Pixel.

You need to install the Facebook Pixel on your website.

If you’re not very technical and can’t do it yourself then pay a webmaster a small fee and get them to do it for you.

Trust me, it will be worth the expense.

Once the pixel is installed on your website. Go back into Facebook, go into Ads Manager and select the audiences tab.

Then within audiences you want to create a custom audience.

And you want to create a…

Custom audience from website traffic. 

You can get really fancy and create custom audiences of people that have visited certain pages on your site but not others, and things like that.

But for now, for the quick and easy win that I mentioned at the beginning, just create a custom audience of anyone that has visited your website.

Now obviously this audience will take a bit of time to populate once you’ve set it up.

But once it does, you can advertise specifically to those people. Specifically to those people that have visited your website.

This is something we do for all our clients and it delivers fantastic results.

5-Part Facebook Ad Template

Now if you’re wondering what to include in your ad (because that’s the next step) I’ve got just the thing to help you out…

Because we’ve recently created a 5-part Facebook ad template, which you can download right now for free.

This template includes some of the best performing ads we’ve created for our clients in multiple industries and if you’re looking to promote your business on Facebook you’ll find it very useful.

To download this free ad template click here: https://heathmedia.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/

easy win with Facebook

Ben Heath – Founder & CEO, Lead Guru