
How To Generate Leads For Your Service Business

If you want to generate leads for a service based business using Facebook then watch this short video.

Because in this video I show you the game changer when it comes to generating leads for your service based business.

Most of the small business owners that I talk to want to generate more leads (obviously). They have already tried to advertise their business on Facebook and it hasn’t really worked for them.

And the vast majority of those people have created basic Facebook ad campaigns. Campaigns that just include a regular image ad that says a little bit about the company and tries to get people to click through to their website.

I’m sure you’ve seen the sort of ad that I’m talking about.

Campaigns like that rarely work because it’s so easy for people to scroll past those ads in their Facebook newsfeed.

We are all bombarded with ads everywhere we look now – on our phone, on our computer, even out on the street.

And as a result we’ve become conditioned to ignore those ads and our eyes skip right over them.

A lot of big brands are very worried about this right now because they do a lot of this sort of advertising.

So to overcome this you need to find a way to stand out in your prospect’s newsfeed. And the best way to do that is with a video.

And not just any video, but face to camera videos, just like this one.

Face To Camera Videos

We’ve been conditioned to ignore a lot of advertising but we’re still human beings. We’re still programmed to pick up on human faces and eye contact in particular.

This video will stop people in their tracks because they can see my face, I’m moving and I’m looking right back at the camera.

A lot of people make excuses when it comes to recording videos, particularly face to camera videos like this one.

But they really don’t have to be perfect and they’re not that difficult to create.

Look at this video – this is not a high production video at all.

It’s not recorded in a studio and we’ve haven’t hired expensive videographers.

We’ve just got a couple of lights, a half decent camera and that’s it. (I should be wearing a lapel mike but that wasn’t working properly before we recorded, so I went ahead without it.)

The equipment and the set up doesn’t have to be completed.

What To Include?

If you really know your industry and you know what you’re talking about, there will be lots of little topics you can record a video about.

You want to explain or demonstrate something that will help your target market. Try to provide real value.

And one of the best things about creating face to camera videos for Facebook, is that your company stops being a faceless entity.

When people click through to your website, they will have seen you and heard you speak. At that stage they’ll know that they’re going to be dealing with a real human being when they get in touch.

That’s very important, and a lot more people will go on to work with you as a result.

To prove that this face to camera video ad approach works really well, I’m using it in this video…

Want Better Results From Facebook?

I mentioned at the beginning of the video that we’re a digital marketing agency and that we specialise in Facebook advertising in particular.

So if you would like us to get you better results than you’re currently getting from Facebook. Whether that’s more leads or more sales – then simply let us know.

And if you enjoyed this video please hit the like button and leave a comment below.