
Facebook Page Update 2018: Should You Be Worried?

Facebook Page Update 2018: Should You Be Worried?

Facebook page update 2018: So Facebook have recently released an update and they’ve said that their business pages are going to get a lot less organic reach.

Well, is this something that you should be worried about? That’s exactly what I’m going to cover in this post.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this recent update and people want to know how is this going to affect things.

They are wondering if they should stop advertising on Facebook, and all that sort of stuff.

The Update in a Nutshell

So, let me quickly explain what the update actually is.

In a nutshell, Facebook have said that business pages aren’t going to get as much organic reach going forward.

Which means their posts are not going to be put in front of as many people for free.

And this is of course going to affect businesses that rely on organic Facebook traffic.

All those Facebook pages that put up viral videos about cats and people falling over are going to get a lot less views than they were before this update.

But regular business pages weren’t getting much organic traffic before the update.

That has been disappearing for years.

And because of that we don’t think the Facebook page update is going to affect regular business pages that much at all.

If you’ve watched my previous videos, then you’ll know that I strongly recommend advertising on Facebook.

If You’re a Facebook Advertiser – You’re All Good

I strongly recommend paying to put your stuff in front of your target market and this update is not going to affect advertisers hardly at all.

You have to remember that Facebook make money from their advertisers so they’re not going to change anything to jeopardise their advertisers (which are their paying customers).

To be honest, this update is just a continuation of what Facebook have been doing for years.

Over the last three or four years, organic reach has been decreasing massively.

They’ve just now officially come out and said it.

To Summarise…

I’m not worried and I don’t think you should be worried either…

Provided that you’re paying to promote your stuff on Facebook.

The only potential issue is that more businesses start advertising on Facebook as a result of this update which means that the price of advertising is going to increase slightly.

But again, that’s a trend that’s also been going on for years.

So I don’t really think that’s going to have much effect.

5-Part Facebook Ad Template

Before you go, there’s something I want to quickly mention that I think you’d be very interested in if you’re running ads on Facebook.

And that’s my 5-Part Facebook Ad Template which you can download right now for free.

This ad template includes some of the best performing ads I’ve created for my clients in a number of different industries.

I’ve broken each ad down into their five elements and explained what I’ve included in each one and why.

So if you’re looking to advertise on Facebook, you can model from these and you should find it really, really useful.

As I said, you could download this for free here: https://heathmedia.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/