
How To Create Facebook Lead Ads That Convert

Want to create Facebook lead ads that successfully convert prospects into leads? Wondering what to offer and include in your ads?

In this article, you’ll discover how to create Facebook lead ads that convert.

Let’s get started by imagining the following scenario…

You see a Facebook Ad for a new exercise program. You’ve heard a few friends talk about something similar, and you’ve thought about joining.

You click on the ad (not a Facebook lead ad) to learn more, but it takes you directly to a landing page stating a $100 a month subscription fee with a year-long commitment.

Do you convert? Probably not.

If you saw a Facebook lead ad, though, asking you to leave your email so that you could schedule a free workout, you’d be a lot more likely to do so.

Facebook lead ads are one of the most useful-to-advertiser ad formats out there.

They were designed to be mobile friendly and are naturally desktop friendly, too, showing users who click on your ad a native, in-app lead form.

Facebook will fill out as much of the form automatically as possible, and users can enter custom answers for questions that you’re asking.

The ease of use, the convenience, and the fact that this is all happening in-app increase the likelihood that users will convert when they may not have otherwise.

Despite all of this, not all Facebook lead ad campaigns are successful. Some advertisers struggle to get viewers to turn into leads and fill out those forms. Even if Facebook is doing the heavy lifting for them.

We want to help with that. We’re going to discuss what makes some Facebook lead ads more successful than others, look at a few examples of what you should do, and talk about what to do with that lead information once you get it.

What Makes Some Lead Ads Successful?

Facebook lead ads aren’t automatically infallible; they’ll only be successful if all the puzzle pieces have fallen into place.

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that your targeting is on point. Potential leads will always be more likely to fill out your form if they’re at least a little bit familiar with you. Even if all they know about you is what they learned after watching a thirty second video ad.

Use retargeting to show your ad to users who know about you already– including those who have watched a certain percentage of a past video ad.

Create A Video Engagement Custom Audience

Using audience-specific messages based on things like interests, pain points, or needs would be a good call, too.

Let’s go back to that hypothetical exercise program. They might find that targeting working moms with a message like “We’ll fit into your schedule, not the other way around!” works well.

While targeting recent college grads might work better with a message like “Join a supportive, passionate community and get in shape all at once!”

Having a strong offer included in your ad will also help. Very few people will fill out a Facebook lead form if they don’t feel like there’s anything in it for them.

High-reward, low-risk works well here, too. Opt for free workouts or trials, no credit cards required, or an ebook that can be delivered via email. No strings attached, no payments required; this will help convince them to convert.

Using simple lead forms is also important. Again, if you ask for too much here, users are more likely to take flight.

Try to ask for the bare minimum such as their name, email, phone number and a question or two to qualify them if necessary. Keep in mind that multiple studies have shown that increasing the number of questions on a form can decrease conversions quickly.

Have enough information on the lead form to get it to convert, but leave it at that.

Facebook Lead Form Example

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Would you like us to create, manage and optimise Facebook ad campaigns for you?

To find out more about our services and how we can help, click here to book a free 30-minute strategy session.


3 Facebook Lead Ad Examples For Inspiration

Wondering what a few examples of great Facebook lead ads look like? Let’s take a look at 3 specific examples of strong Facebook lead ads and what makes them so effective.

#1 Green Tech Adviser

This ad from Green Tech Adviser started with strong ad copy. They use statistics to convey the seriousness of a problem. While explaining how likely it is to impact their target audience.

They then immediately offer a solution. And the ad comes with a video to explain it all.

Lead ad example 1

This ad clearly presents a problem that users didn’t know they might have. And they’ve got a downloadable resource that’s full of value for this target audience, increasing the likelihood that they’ll convert.

#2 Orangetheory Fitness

The first thing that you’ll notice about this ad is that they’re using their copy to instantly overcome a common objection – not being able to make it to the gym. This gets people to pay attention when they may have otherwise dismissed the ad, thinking “who has time for that?”

Lead ad example 2

They also offer a free workout, offering that high-reward, low-risk scenario we were talking about earlier.

#3 Design Pickle

This ad campaign doesn’t go for the hard sell. They’re all about the gentle: “hey, we just want to help and here’s a free ebook we think you’d like” approach.

Lead ad example 3

This works well for plenty of brands, and this would be a great choice for users who are earlier on in the funnel and aren’t ready to convert on a “free consultation call with our designers!” offer.

This ebook and offer will ease them in, giving them new ideas and motivation to work on new designs. And it just so happens that they’ll have a designer in mind now when they’re ready.

(NOTE: Want to know how to create and launch a full Facebook advertising sales funnel within 30 days that profitably generates leads and sales for your business? Then check out our 30-Day Facebook Advertising Launch Plan)

My Facebook Lead Ads Worked! What’s Next?

Once your Facebook lead ads start running and people start filling out those forms, it’s time for you to take action to get them to the next step of your sales funnel.

Here are the important next steps that you need to take:

  • Have an email autoresponder ready to go. Welcoming them to your email list and/or giving them information on the offer that they converted on. This can be anything from a link to download a lead magnet to a scheduler app to book an appointment.
Facebook lead ad thank you page
  • Consider having a retargeting campaign ready to go. Targeting users who have recently converted on a Facebook lead ad and showing them offers and discounts can massively increase the likelihood of purchasing.
Facebook Lead Form Custom Audience
  • Reach out with personalized messages. In addition to the campaigns running on autopilot, you should reach out with a personalized email, too, if appropriate. A quick phone call and voicemail can also work. Asking if the customer has any questions and letting them know if they need anything moving forward.


It’s easy to see the benefit of Facebook lead ads; gaining a lead’s trust and their contact information all at once is a huge opportunity for brands to nurture a relationship and convert them into clients.

It’s important to note, however, that Facebook lead ads are about to become even more important.

Facebook recently announced that their Clear History feature will likely impact some retargeting capabilities on the platform. With options like retargeting based on site activity dwindling or possibly becoming less effective, the ability to retarget based on on-site activity and with customer lists (like those that you get from Facebook lead ads!) will be even more important.

So get your Facebook lead ad campaigns up and running now. Test them and optimize them accordingly. Not only will you be able to grow your client list now, but you’ll be in good shape when Facebook’s retargeting system gets a shakeup.

What do you think? Do you use Facebook lead ads for your business? What strategies and creative practices have worked best for you? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below– we can’t wait to hear what you think!