
7 Copywriting Tips For Facebook Ads

7 Copywriting Tips For Facebook Ads

In this post I’ve got 7 copywriting tips for Facebook ads for you.

One of the most important parts of any Facebook ad is the copy.

Your ad image might grab your audience’s attention, but it’s your copy that’s going to convince them to take action and become a customer of yours.

1) Write with one person in mind

If your ad is trying to appeal to everyone, then it’ll end up appealing to no one.

It’s best to write your ad copy with a single individual in mind.

Imagine that you’re talking to your absolute ideal customer, and keep that person in mind as you write your ad copy.

2) Keep it simple

Your audience should be able to work out what your ad is for, within seconds of seeing it.

Try to avoid long words because they can come across as condescending.

And complicated sentence structures can make your ad copy difficult to understand.

Your ad copy should be easy to read and conversational.

3) Use 1 call to action

I’ve seen a lot of ads that are asking people to do two or three things.

When really, the advertiser probably wants people to take one very specific action.

Don’t tell people to check out your blog or follow you on Twitter, if what you really want is leads and sales.

Instead, tell them to buy your products and inquire about your services.

4) Tell a story

Why should people buy your products and services?

If there’s a short story behind why your company was created or how you discovered the need for your products and services, then tell it.

Stories add a personal touch to your ads, and they will make your ads much more memorable.

5) Include price or discount information

If it’s relevant to your offer, then make sure you include price or discount information.

Everyone loves a bargain, and if your products are particularly price-competitive, then make sure you show that up front.

6) Be consistent

You want people to recognise that your ads are from your business.

So you want to be consistent with the tone of your ad copy.

It’s best to consistently be fun and playful or serious and informative with your ad copy.

7) Use scarcity

Any words that instil a sense of urgency will get your target market to respond.

Including things like hurry, now, today only, for a limited time only, makes a massive difference.

I’m always surprised at how much of an effect scarcity has on the performance of a Facebook ad campaign.

And nearly all products and services are scarce.

You probably have limited stocks or a limited amount of time to fulfil a service.

So make sure you tell your audience that in your ads.

Best of luck with it.

Ben Heath