
Do Facebook Page Likes Matter?

Do Facebook Page Likes Matter?

This is a question that I’m asked all the time.

The honest answer is:

Yes, but not much.

Facebook will not put your posts in front of all the people that have liked your Facebook page for free.

There are too many advertisers that are willing to pay for that space.

So don’t think that a large amount of page likes will translate into post engagement.

But I do think there are still some very real advantages (we have 40,000+ so I would hope so!)

Here’s our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/leadguru/

NOTE: We’ve also recently created a 5 Part Facebook Ad Template, that you can download right now for free.

This template includes some of the best performing ads we’ve created for our clients in multiple industries and if you’re looking to promote your business on Facebook you’ll find it very useful.

To download this free ad template click here: https://heathmedia.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/


5 Part Facebook Ad Template