
Automate Your Business With Online Tools

I love doing business in 2017.

And that’s not just because we’re a digital marketing agency…

Pre-Internet, every business had to operate differently.

There’s the obvious differences such as speed of communication, social media, new marketing options…

But if I was running a business 30 years I would miss the online tools and digital resources that help us automate an enormous amount of our business just as much. (If not more!)

Every couple of months I find out about a new SaaS company that has developed a fantastic piece of software that saves us a lot of time (and often a lot of money as well).

And business is complicated enough as it is, I’m all up for anything that can make it simpler and easier.

Right now we’re using 14 different SaaS companies to run and automate various aspects of our business.

And whilst all those little monthly subscription payments do add up…

It’s nothing in comparison to the bill we would get if we were outsourcing these tasks or hiring extra staff to deal with them internally.

Dealing with overwhelm

Many (most) small business owners and entrepreneurs feel overwhelmed. And being overwhelmed sucks.

We all know the feeling of having too many things to get done in too little time.

Burnout Image

And it’s often unavoidable. Just doing all the things you need to do to keep the business operating successfully can be really hard.

One of the best ways to combat this is to automate your business with online tools.

Doing so saves an enormous amount of time.

Of course it does take a bit of time to get to know how to use each one and some are more user friendly than others, but in the long run (anything more than about a week!) it’s well worth it.

When you dig into this area of the Internet, you’ll also find that you can automate far more things than you thought were possible.

Why schedule your own appointments when you can use Acuity Scheduling?

Why design a new landing page when you can choose from thousands of templates with OptimizePress and LeadPages?

And one of my favourite online tools (that has nothing to do with digital marketing) is…


Xero is Britain’s leading online accounting software and it’s awesome. Having previously used QuickBooks, I’m really glad that we made the move to Xero.

Xero makes it incredibly easy to deal with all your accounting and bookkeeping needs.

In fact we no longer use a bookkeeper because we can really easily do it ourselves with just a few button clicks.

Xero syncs up with your bank account and all we need to do is periodically login and let Xero know what the transaction are, who they came from or went to and that’s it!

That saves us a lot of back and forth with bookkeepers and the monthly subscription is a lot less than you’ll pay for someone to do it for you.

And whenever I want to have a look at how my business is performing, I can easily access cash flow, P&L and balance sheet reports in seconds.

And if that’s not enough you can also create and send invoices (and get paid) directly within Xero.

Click here to save 25% for 3 months when you buy Xero now.

Ultimate Digital Marketing Resource List

Have you ever wanted to know which online tools and resources the pros use to generate fantastic results with their digital marketing campaigns?

Recently we created the Ultimate Digital Marketing Resource List that includes the free tools, products and services that we use to grow our business and run successful campaigns for our clients.

You can use these amazing tools and resources to substantially improve your results, save you countless hours and automate things you didn’t think were possible.

You can get it right now for free here:


Digital Marketing Resource List

Plan of action

  • Download the Ultimate Digital Marketing Resource List
  • Go through that list and identify all the tools and resources you could use for your business
  • Think about all the things you or your team spend a lot of time on and search for online tools that could help you automate those activities
  • Take some time to learn how to use these online tools
  • And enjoy all the extra time (and money) you now have to grow your business

So what business automation tools are your favourites? Let me know in the comments section below.