
Why Advertise on Facebook?

Part 1

So why advertise on Facebook when there are so many other options, both online and offline for you to advertise your business?

Well just about everyone knows that you can advertise on Facebook at this point. But there are a lot of misconceptions about it.

A lot of people think that’s it not very effective. They think that people are on Facebook to socialise and not buy.

They think that you can’t promote anything in the B2B space. Or promote any high end products and services.

All that’s completely untrue. Facebook is a fantastically effective advertising platform when used the right way.

But I’m kind of happy those misconceptions are out there. Because as a result of those misconceptions, advertising on Facebook is really undervalued.


And because it’s undervalued, it’s really cheap right now.

Much cheaper than a lot of the other online advertising platforms.

And you can generate a fantastic return on your investment by taking advantage of cheap and effective advertising on Facebook.

Let me give you an example.

We’re running a series of video ads right now.

And here’s a screenshot from our Facebook ads account that shows you how well these video ads are performing.

advertise on Faceboook

You can see that video views are costing us a penny each.

That’s insane.

And that means that with a very small budget you can get your video in front of thousands of people.

And I wanted to show you this ad in particular because you can see how inexpensive it is to get great results. We’ve spent less than £20 on this video ad and we already have nearly had 2,000 views.

Another major reason why advertising on Facebook is so effective is because of the social proof your ads can get.

Social Proof

We all know that word of mouth is just about the best form of advertising there is.

And when you advertise on Facebook you can benefit from a digital version of word of mouth.

So let me show you what I mean. This is a screenshot of an ad we ran for a free webinar that taught photographers how to generate leads online.

advertise on Facebook

Now you can see here that it got 102 likes, 6 comments and 44 shares.

That social engagement is key to Facebook advertising.

Because it endorses whatever you’re offering.

So if your ad pops up on someone’s newsfeed and one of their friends has shared or liked it, they are going to pay much more attention to it. And they’re far more likely to click on it or take the action you want them to take.

It’s effectively a personal recommendation.

And as you can see from this example, you don’t need a huge amount of social engagement. These aren’t huge numbers but they do make all the difference.

Part 2

As I said in part 1, there are loads of reasons why you would want to advertise your business on Facebook. But I have narrowed it down to the 4 most important in these 2 videos.

And number 3 is targeting.


The amount of information that Facebook knows about us is a bit creepy. But it’s fantastic for us advertisers.

You can be ultra-specific with who you advertise to. And almost every business can find a way to target their ideal customers.

Right now there are over a thousand targeting options.

And to give you an example of how specific you can be, you can target people who have recently bought cat food.

Just think how powerful that is for businesses that sell cat related products or services.

And that super specific targeting does a couple of things.

  • It gets you much better results. Because you know you’re advertising to people that are highly likely to be interested in either the content that you’re promoting or whatever you have to offer.
  • You save money. You save an enormous amount of money by not advertising to people that are never going to be interested.

And the 4th major reason why Facebook advertising is so effective, is because of their user’s behaviour.

User Behaviour

Recent studies have shown that the average person needs to be exposed to a company’s products or brand 16 times before they make a purchase.

Now obviously that’s an average and it’s going to differ enormously from industry to industry…

But that’s a lot of times!

The good news is that the average smart phone user checks Facebook 14 times per day.

So you can very quickly get your brand and your message in front of your target market multiple times.

It’s the same reason why TV advertising was effective 15 years ago. The average person spent hours and hours everyday in front of the TV.

But people have changed their behaviour. And if we want our businesses to succeed then we need to change the way we market to them…

and Facebook just ticks every box.

5 Steps To Creating A Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaign

If you want to find out more about how to market your business on Facebook. Then you should check out a recorded webinar that we’ve created that’s called – 5 Steps To Creating A Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaign. 

The webinar is 100% free for Facebook Marketing Academy members and it details what we’ve learnt as a digital marketing agency, creating and managing successful Facebook advertising campaigns for our clients.

Click here to watch the recorded webinar – 5 Steps To Creating A Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaign: https://heathmedia.co.uk/fb-ad-webinar-fma/

Profitable Facebook advertising campaign

Ben Heath – Founder & CEO, Lead Guru