
6 Techniques To Improve Facebook Lead Quality (FAST!)

Are you generating leads from Facebook, but the quality of those leads isn’t good enough? Want to know how to improve Facebook lead quality?

This article shows you exactly how to improve the quality of the leads you generate on Facebook.

Facebook Lead Quality vs Quantity

Before we get into the specific techniques for improving Facebook lead quality, there’s something you need to be aware of…

If you make adjustments to your Facebook ads to improve lead quality, you almost inevitably reduce lead quantity. Because improving lead quality is all about making your lead generation process more selective.

Reducing lead quantity isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, being inundated with poor quality leads cost be an enormous waste of time and very costly.

My advice to most businesses looking to generate leads on Facebook, is to focus on quality over quantity.

That’s what this article is all about.

Improving Facebook Lead Quality on Facebook (Lead Ads)

Most of the leads advertisers generate from Facebook come through Facebook itself (Lead Generation campaigns) or through the business’ website (Conversions campaigns).

First, let’s focus on improving lead quality through Facebook lead ads.

(Side Note: Here’s a video that shows you how to create killer Facebook lead generation campaigns…)

Facebook lead generation campaigns are often very effective at generating large volumes of leads.

But their quality can be very poor.

It’s very easy for your prospects to sign up and become a lead through a lead generation campaign.

As you’ll see from the video above, it’s often as easy as clicking two buttons.

This means those prospects aren’t necessarily that interested in your products or services when they become a lead.

They haven’t visited your website, scrolled through your portfolio, or read your testimonials.

You don’t need to abandon Facebook lead ads altogether. They can still be very effective.

But to help improve lead quality, I would strongly recommend that you ask for more information.

#1 Request More Information In Your Facebook Lead Ad Forms

Facebook’s default is to ask for name and email address in your lead forms:

Create Facebook Lead Form

But as you can see there are many other options, including custom questions:

Facebook lead form questions

I would strongly recommend that you ask for people’s phone number in your lead form.

A common complaint with Facebook lead ad campaigns, is that prospects do not respond when you try and contact them.

That’s undoubtedly the case if you just follow up via email. Emails are just too easy to ignore.

But if you request a phone number and call your leads soon after they have submitted their details, you’ll get a much better response rate.

#2 Call Your Facebook Leads Quickly

Leads are higher quality when they’re fresh. This is the case with Facebook and just about any other form of marketing.

If you wait 2 or 3 days after a prospect has submitted their information to call them, they are far less likely to become a customer of yours.

As a Facebook advertising agency, we create lead ad campaigns for our clients all the time.

And one of the most important keys to success, is follow up speed.

I’d recommend that you set time aside twice per day to follow up with any new leads that have been generated. That way you’ll catch your prospects whilst you’re fresh in their mind.

Of course, if you have a sales team that can do so more regularly, that’s only going to help.

#3 Be Very Clear About Your Offer in Your Facebook Lead Ad

When prospects sign up through your Facebook lead ad, make sure they fully understand what they are signing up for.

Don’t mislead your prospects by suggesting they are going to get something they aren’t. Doing so will result in a lot of poor quality leads that don’t convert.

If you’re offering something like a free consultation, make it very obvious in your ad and your lead form.

Here’s an example ad:

Facebook Lead Ad Example

And here’s the corresponding lead form:

Facebook Lead Form Example

How To Improve Facebook Lead Quality From Your Website

A lot of Facebook advertisers prefer to generate leads through their website, than use Facebook lead ads.

If you want prospects to find out more about your company before they become a lead, this is a great way to go.

And whilst Facebook leads that come through your website, tend to be higher quality than those generated through lead ads, there are still things you can do to improve lead quality.

Most of them don’t have anything to do with Facebook.

Your lead generation process after your prospects leave Facebook, is often more important.

But before we get into those techniques, there is a significant adjustment you can make to your ad campaigns themselves to improve Facebook lead quality.

#4 Target Lookalike Audiences Based Off Previous Customers

When it comes to targeting cold audiences on Facebook. Nothing delivers better results than targeting lookalike audiences.

If you’ve never created a Facebook lookalike audience before, here’s a detailed tutorial that shows you how:

When you create your lookalike audience, it’s very important that you use the right type of source audience.

A lookalike audience that’s based off previous customers will almost certainly deliver better results than a lookalike audience that’s based off previous leads and website visitors.

This video explains the differences between lookalike audiences and which you want to use when:

#5 Make Your Lead Generation Process More Involved

The standard lead generation process is to include a contact form and perhaps a phone number on your contact us page.

With that set up, you’re likely to generate a lot of unresponsive leads.

Those people have just come through to your website and filled out your contact form, they’re not very invested in the process.

They’re not necessarily really excited about your products and services yet.

So to save my time, I like my prospects to make more of a commitment when they become a lead.

And where possible, I like to get my prospects to book a free phone call directly into my calendar:

Acuity Scheduling Page Example

As you can see above, businesses that are interested in our Facebook advertising services, can book a free strategy session with me.

Setting something like this up on your website is fairly straightforward.

There are a number of companies that you can use. Acuity Scheduling (affiliate link) is my favorite.

Whether you use Acuity Scheduling or one of the other options, I’d strongly recommend you put this system in place if it suits your business.

It’s very valuable to have a calendar where your prospects can book a slot directly. Without having to communicate with you.

You lose all that back and forth, and they become a lot more involved in the process.

Of course, because this process is a lot more involved, you are going to generate less leads.

Some people will not to be willing to go into your calendar and book a slot. But the ones that are really excited about your products and services, will do so.

That way you’ll retain the higher quality leads whilst removing a lot of the lower quality ones.

#6 Tell Your Prospects Who You Work With

On my free Strategy Session booking page you may have noticed that we only work with companies that meet certain criteria:

Acuity Scheduling Page Example

As a Facebook advertising agency, we only work with companies that are doing £20k+ ($25k+) in revenue per month, or have significant start up funding, and operate in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Ireland or New Zealand.

You probably have an equivalent for your business.

If that’s the case, do as I have done here and put that right above your online calendar.

One sentence like this will stop the vast majority of unqualified leads from coming through. Which is a huge time saver.

See This In Action…

If you want to see exactly how this lead generation process works, and meet the above criteria, you can book a slot directly into my calendar to talk about Facebook advertising for your business.


A lot of businesses want to improve their lead quality.

Whether they are generating leads from Facebook, or any other channel, improving lead quality can make a big difference to a company’s success.

Whilst there’s not a lot you can do to improve lead quality from some channels, there are a number of steps you can take to improve Facebook lead quality.

In this article I detailed six techniques we use to improve Facebook lead quality for our business and for our clients.

These six techniques are split between two categories. Lead generated on Facebook (Facebook lead ads) and leads generated by sending prospects to your website from Facebook.

What do you think? Have you tried to improve Facebook lead quality? What tips can you offer? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.