
4 Facebook Ad Types That Generate Sales Fast in 2021!

There’s a good reason Facebook Ads are so wildly popular for businesses of all sizes and from all industries: They can be exceptionally effective, as long as they’re used correctly. An essential part of this, of course, is choosing the right Facebook ad types for each campaign.

Facebook Ads are versatile, and can help you accomplish a number of different marketing goals ranging from brand awareness to lead generation to direct sales.

That being said, if you want to see any of those results, you need to be able to focus on what you want each individual campaign to accomplish.

The ad campaigns themselves aren’t a guarantee. They won’t automatically do the selling for you unless all of the right pieces are in place.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at 4 different Facebook ad types that can generate sales fast. And show you how to use them at different stages of the sales funnel.

#1 Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads – which are also known as “multi-image” or “multi-product” ads – allow advertisers to add up to ten different square slides containing images and/or videos.

They have exceptionally high click-through rates. Which can lead to an increase in sales at a lower cost thanks to improved relevance scores.  

More sales at a lower cost yields a higher ROAS (return on ad spend). Which is what all us Facebook advertisers are looking for.

Carousel ads are interesting for users to see and engage with. And like Facebook ads themselves, they’re versatile.

They can be customized based on the stage of the funnel you’re targeting.

Facebook ad types - carousel ads

Top of funnel ads, for example, can show off a number of different products or services; trying to appeal to a wide audience by casting a larger net.

Bottom of funnel ads, on the other hand, might highlight multiple features of a specific product that users are already interested, in a retargeting campaign.

Facebook Ad Types - Carousel Ad Example 2

Carousel Ads can also work well for brand awareness campaigns when targeting cold traffic. Especially when you use their natural storytelling potential to keep users scrolling.

#2 Collection Ads

Collection ads are a newer Facebook ad type that work exceptionally well on mobile.

They allow users to see multiple different product thumbnails below a single larger featured image.

You can see more products all at once, and the focus here is definitely on shopping, which they’re highly effective at driving sales.

Facebook Collection Ads

This mobile ad format is eye-catching, and the sales-oriented focus has been incredibly effective at driving sales.

The Black Tux saw a 3.4x higher conversion rate with Collection and Carousel Ads compared to other ad formats. And the charity Samaritan’s Purse even reached a 279x return on ad spend by using these Facebook ad types.

Collection ads will typically be most effective in a retargeting campaign, once people are already at least a little familiar with your brand.

The focus here is more on the product images than the text, so the ad is more likely to be effective when shown to users who are already familiar with your brand. They work well, therefore, for middle-to-bottom of funnel users.

#3 Video Ads

Facebook video ads are one of the best ways to stop users while they’re scrolling, effectively capturing their attention long enough to get them interested.

Video is also dynamic; you can convey so much information, meaning, and emotion in a tiny space. And without huge blocks of text that may have otherwise been off-putting to users.

Video ads are one of the most effective Facebook ad types when it comes to selling for this reason. People can see products in use, imagine themselves using them, and be swayed by video testimonials.

Facebook Video Ad Type Example

Early on in the funnel, video can be used to draw users in with brand-oriented storytelling.

You can then use that ad for a future retargeting campaign by targeting users who watched a certain percentage of it. Then show them another video ad with a message designed to move them along in your funnel.

To use this strategy, you can start with brand awareness video campaigns that are tailored to cold traffic and lookalike audiences.

(Here’s a detailed tutorial on how to create Facebook lookalike audiences in case you’re interested…)

Then, as users get further into the sales funnel, show them video campaigns that have information on specific products or services.

Consider featuring offers or use discounts in the ad text as you move further down the ad funnel to increase the likelihood that users will purchase.

When using video ads, remember to always use the ad copy to help capture users’ attention.

Explain the value the video offers, and highlight any offers, discounts, or exclusive perks users may need to know about.

#4 Lead Ads

Facebook lead ads might not be the first thing you jump to when you’re thinking direct sales. But they have an important place in the sales process.

Plenty of high value products or services will require multiple touch-points and often on multiple platforms.

Getting users’ information so you can get them off Facebook and onto your email list can be a crucial step in driving sales for these big ticket products or services.

Facebook Ad Types - Facebook Lead Ad Example

Lead ads are mobile and desktop friendly, and they are often most effective at generating large lead volume.

To find out more about creating Facebook lead ad campaigns that convert in 2020, check out this video:

Facebook Ad Types Conclusion

When you want to generate sales through Facebook Ads, these 4 Facebook ad types are a great place to start.

They have a lot of potential, especially when they’re used strategically and during the optimal stages of your sales funnel.

In many cases, using a combination of high-converting ad types will be the best way to go.

You can support this by optimizing for conversion-oriented objectives and CTAs, unless you’re running a lead ad campaign. In those cases, it’s about a slower sell instead of an immediate purchase, so choose your CTAs accordingly and opt for the lead objective.

What do you think? Which Facebook ad types have helped you land the most direct sales? Have certain ad formats been more useful at different stages of your funnel than others? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!