
Facebook Ad Mistake #5: Assessing ROI Too Early

#5 in my 5 part series about the most common Facebook advertising mistakes that I see is:

Assessing the ROI that your Facebook ad campaigns generate too early.

Only a small percentage of your target market are going to buy from you after seeing 1 ad, once.

That doesn’t mean they will never buy your products and services…

…it just means that the majority of them need more time.

You need to run your Facebook ad campaigns for long enough to give them a chance to be successful.

The longer you advertise on Facebook, the more effective it becomes.

NOTE: We’ve also recently created a 5 Part Facebook Ad Template, that you can download right now for free.

This template includes some of the best performing ads we’ve created for our clients in multiple industries and if you’re looking to promote your business on Facebook you’ll find it very useful.

5 Part Facebook Ad Template

To download this free ad template click here: https://heathmedia.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/