
11 Copywriting Tips For Facebook Ads

What is the most important part of any ad?

The message.

When creating your message, you must ask yourself these questions:

What is it you want to say?

Who is your audience?

What do you want your audience to do?

Once you have the answers to these questions, only then can you create a message that successfully accomplishes your advertising goals.

The most powerful advertising campaigns today are those through Facebook.

In order to stand out above the rest, the copy that accompanies your campaign needs to be written creatively.

Below are 11 copywriting tips for Facebook ads.

  1. Keep It Simple and Easy

A user should be able to identify your ad’s message within seconds of viewing it. Avoid long or complicated words and phrases so that users will get the message quickly and won’t feel as if you’re speaking down to them. A simple message that is both easy to read and understand is considerate, as well as it will more effectively obtain a desired result.

  1. Short and Sweet Is Best

Too many words take up too much of the average user’s time. You want to get to the point quickly. That being said, you’ll need to be creative with how you communicate. GEICO is a company that writes well-written, concise copies. To direct users to a blog post, the insurance company used copy that said, “Please steal my car, said no one ever. Keep these tips in mind to minimize your risk.” It’s brief but creative with a hint of humor.

  1. Only Use One Call-to-Action

You don’t want to be too pushy with multiple call-to-actions (or CTAs). Using too many CTAs overcomplicates the information in the ad, distracts from the key message, and confuses users. Facebook Business also advises against including exclamation points in CTAS (e.g., “Learn More!”). It’s as though you’re shouting at your audience. Nobody likes to be yelled at or pressured.

  1. Use Words That Stir Emotion

Even a word as simple as a subtle “now” or “today” can stir a sense of urgency, persuading a customer to respond to your ad. To instill a sense of urgency, you can also ask a compelling question that forces them to think. For example, “Where have you always wanted to go” could be a good lead-in for a travel agency ad.

Emotions drive action, and every ad needs to compel customers to take some sort of action in response to its message. Words are powerful. Use them to your advantage.

  1. Tell a Story

This tip piggybacks off the previous one. Although you need to keep it brief, if you can tell a compelling mini story in only few words, you’ve mastered the art of Facebook copywriting. Facebook Business refers to the ad of Arlington Club, a restaurant in New York City, as a strong example of ad copy that tells a story. In an ad featuring a photo of one of their chefs, their copy reads, “Meet Chef Frank Cervantes: ‘I’d send back dishes so people would say, “If you don’t like it, why don’t you cook.” So I did.'” This simple story of one of the restaurant’s chefs creates interest and adds a behind-the-scenes, personal touch. It becomes less of an ad and more of a story they’ve chosen to share.

  1. Write as if to One Person

Consider your target audience. Who are they? If you’re a professional photographer, your audience may be couples looking for a wedding photographer, high school students wanting senior photos, or athletes seeking action shots. Facebook Business says to take that audience and write as if you are speaking to a single individual matching that criteria. This allows you to sound more personal in your message.

  1. Maintain a Similar Tone Across All Ads

You want your audience to recognize when an ad is from your business. It should be easy to make the association, so as to decrease the likelihood that your ad is mistaken as that of a competitor. If you have multiple copywriters, make sure they are all on the same page to keep content fluent and seamless. Your language and creative tone should be consistent across all ads in your campaign message.

It helps to specifically identify your desired tone. Do you want it to be strictly professional, or does a touch of humor fit your image? Is it peppy or serious? Make guidelines for your copywriters to follow.

  1. Keep It Relevant

There are two sides to relevant copy: relevance to what you are advertising and relevance to current trends. To achieve the former, don’t stray away from the main focus of your business. For instance, if your business is retail, you wouldn’t want to write about politics or computers. To achieve the latter, you want to keep up with the times and avoid sounding out-of-date. For example, when advertising an item from your retail store, instead of writing out “Visit us at YourRetailStoreName.com,” you should include a “Buy Now” button that links to your website. Not only is it cleaner, but it also reflects tech-savvy capabilities as well as adaptation to what attracts the younger generation.

  1. Include a Price or Discount Info

Everyone likes a good bargain. Give consumers reason to believe they’re getting a good deal. Also, neglecting to display a price gives potential customers reason to suspect you are hiding something—specifically, that you are pricey. Be transparent and upfront. If you are pushing a sale or discount offer, you then most certainly want to include that information in your copy. But do so when appropriate, says Facebook Business.

  1. Match with an Image

Every ad should come with an image, whether it be a photograph or other visual. Any ad copy should complement it, says Facebook Business, as well as vice versa. If you’re advertising a sale on yoga pants, you wouldn’t want a photo of a bathing suit to accompany your ad copy; you want a photo of a pair of the yoga pants you are selling. Additionally, your copy should really push the yoga pants sale without getting wordy and going off on a tangent about other products.

  1.  Include Tips or Suggestions

If you’re selling a product, offer consumers tips or suggestions on how to use it or get the most out of their experience with it. Facebook Business uses Loopy Mango, a New York City yarn boutique, as an example for inspiration. An ad for a St. Barth cable shawl includes a link to a tutorial as well as suggests that the shawl would make for a perfect Mother’s Day gift.

If you offer services, or if you are a specialist of sorts, you might include a link to a blog post with tips or how-to guides. For example, if you are a communications specialist, you may include a link to a blog post on 5 Tips for Better Communication with Your Employees. Before the link, you could include copy briefly listing the tips, offering viewers a sample of what’s in the post.

Facebook is a powerhouse when it comes to social media advertising. It’s not a project to be taken lightly. Invest time and care into your campaigns with quality ad copy. It may take time to master a plan that works for you, but in the end, it’ll be worth it.

For more information on advertising with Facebook, see AdvertiseMint’s “How to Be a Successful Facebook Advertiser.”