
Video Viewer Custom Audiences on Facebook

Video viewer custom audiences on Facebook.

Facebook’s retargeting capabilities is one of the things that makes it such an effective advertising platform.

You retarget on Facebook by using custom audiences and one of our favourite types of custom audiences is…

Video viewer custom audiences.

These allow you to specifically advertise to people that have already watched your videos on Facebook.

And that’s fantastic because these people are highly likely to buy your products and services.

Watch this video to find out exactly how to use them.

NOTE: We’ve also recently created a 5 Part Facebook Ad Template, that you can download right now for free.

This template includes some of the best performing ads we’ve created for our clients in multiple industries and if you’re looking to promote your business on Facebook you’ll find it very useful.

To download this free ad template click here: https://heathmedia.co.uk/facebook-ad-template-lp/

5 Part Facebook Ad Template